PGDM department organised a guest session on“Upscale your resume” on 28th Nov 2020 for PGDM Batch (2020-22)students by Mr Rajat Vashistha, CEO Get set Resumes. It was an online sessionby the team of Get set Resume for PGDM students regarding the importance ofresume and what are the important points one need to keep in mind while makinga resume.
The speaker shared hisexperiences of starting a company of resume. He told about the basic resume andthe tools one needs to keep in mind while making his resume. Then he shared fewexamples of resume.
During the session thestudents came to know why they should write their technical skills and softskills in the resume. Lastly the speaker wind up the session by sharingimportant keywords and specific keywords for specific skills which one shoulduse in a resume.
The session followed byquestions and answers round where students participated actively and clearedtheir doubt regarding resume.