Internal quality assurance cell organised a session with renowned Professor Justin Paul from Rollins college, Florida and University of PR USA. Dr. Paul serves as Senior/Guest/Associate Editor with the International Business Review, Journal of Business research, Services Industries Journal, European Bus Review, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Small Bus Economics, European Journal of International Management, and Journal of Promotion Management & International Journal of Emerging Markets. He is known as an author of books such as Business Environment (4th ed), International Marketing, Export-Import Management (2nd edition) by McGraw-Hill & Oxford University Press respectively.
He discussed about the different types of journals like ABDC, SCI, Scopus and other publisher based journals like SAGE, inderscience and emerald. He discussed about the different types of papers which can be written by the faculty i.e. conceptual, empirical and literature based (META analysis), He also discussed that every paper should have a robust methodology in the case of empirical work and vast literature search for review based papers. Certain tips shared by him included quoting the references from the targeted journals that the author intends to publish in and also quoting the editor of the journal which is being targeted. He shared that before sending your paper for publication the author should get its proof reading done by at least two or three other researchers from the same domain.
Overall the session was quiet insightful and faculty members asked multiple questions on how to get their paper published in ABDC journal or any other journal of repute.