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Tuesday Talk by Mr. N.P.Singh, Ms. Ankita Sharma and Ms. Ankita Chopra

Tuesday Talk Scheduled on 30th April, 2019 was on doctoral thesis by Mr. N.P.Singh, Associate Professor on the topic “International Linkages Of Metals And Energy Futures Market At MCX, India” He discussed that his research intends to analyse cointegration and causality between the futures market of gold, crude oil and copper at MCX and their respective world counterparts from 2009 to 2017. The study uses Johansen’s cointegration and Granger causality techniques. The study concludes that futures markets of copper and crude oil are not efficient as their market at MCX and their respective foreign futures market are cointegrated. However, the gold futures market at MCX and NYMEX are not cointegrated and hence efficient.  But, the gold futures market at NYMEX leads MCX market. The linkages and causality dynamics between Indian and Foreign futures markets demand these exchanges and governments to critically analyze the policies and trade practices before implementing. 

JIMS Rohini Tuesday Talk by Mr. N.P.Singh, Ms. Ankita Sharma and Ms. Ankita Chopra
JIMS Rohini

Next Presentation was given by Ms. Ankita Sharma, Assistant Professor & Ms. Ankita Chopra, Assistant Professor on the topic “Comparison Study of Apriori, ID3 and C4.5 Algorithms for Weather Forecasting using Association and Classification Techniques”. They explained that Weather forecasting is a vital application that is used in meteorology. In the presentation they investigated the performance efficiency of three algorithms Apriori, ID3 and C4.5 in order to predict weather variable that is effected by many parameters in dataset like temperature, moisture and breeze. Also these algorithms help in understanding the frequent patterns generated by the parameters to predict the accurate weather conditions. Accuracy of Apriori algorithm is measured by support, confidence and  of ID3, C4.5 is measured by the number of correct decisions / total number of predictions.

JIMS Rohini, Delhi

JIMS Rohini Delhi