Ace Equity session was held on 4th December 2017, Monday, for PGDM 2017-19 batch.
ACE Equity is a corporate database of listed and unlisted companies with their financials and non-financial information kept updated every day through internet. It is an extensive data coverage at company, industry and business-house level.
Some of the highlighted features of the database discussed in the session were-
Latest and historical data of all companies listed in various Indian Stock Exchanges. Extensive coverage of data as published by companies in their Annual Reports with entire annexure. It covers Standalone & Consolidated formats.
Financial data details are displayed as per the company's Annual Report (more than 1750 Financial fields). Data is presented in 10 standardized Industry formats namely, Manufacturing, Banking, Finance (Broking & NBFC), Software, Shipping, Hotel, Media, Hospitality, Real Estate & Power.
Detailed coverage on Company corporate investments (Quoted and Unquoted) with Face Value and currency.
All Financial data can be viewed with any currency and even user can make Global default setting according to their requirement. For Example: Rupees in Millions, Rupees in Cores or any other Foreign Currency. While viewing the data, currency conversion will get applied respective year end currency value.
The session focused on the user-friendly ways of extracting information from a company’s database.
The session also concentrated on the features added by Ace Equity and included two most frequently used templates by various types of clients-
1.Company Report Card: A one page report giving us a quick fundamental view and market information of selected company. It helps user to understand company (from fundamental point of view) in shortest time.
2.Quarterly Performance: A one page report reviewing selected company’s quarterly, YTD and full-year performance with variance.
The session turned out to be fruitful that would definitely help us in our career in near future. We look forward to more such sessions.