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JIMS Rohini Organized Surge 2024 Annual Management Seminar


Surge is an annual management seminar started with the aim to create an interface between the professionals and students at th undergraduate level to help them closely understand management related issues, develop business acumen and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead in their careers. From the past eight years, Jagan Institute of Studies, Management Rohini, has been organising this knowledge driven seminar on different issues that impart specific skills and creativity. This is the 9th year of our Annual Management Seminar


The business landscape is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the power of Artificial Intelligence and with this, the integration of AI into management strategies has become not just a trend but also a necessity. It’s crucial to equip students with the knowledge and understanding of these evolving technologies, as they are poised to revolutionize the future of management.Across various industries, from manufacturing and logistics to marketing and customer service, AI is automating tasks, optimizing processes, and generating valuable insights. As AI adoption grows, understanding AI driven management strategies like Data driven decision making, predictive analytics, process automation, supply chain optimisation and employee engagement and productivity will make students more competitive in the job market


The objective of this year's seminar is to equip students with knowledge and insights into Al- powered management strategies. As Al continues to revolutionize industries, understanding concepts such as data- driven decision-making, predictive analytics, process automation, employee engagement, and productivity is paramount for students to stay competitive in the job market. Furthermore, these skills can empower students to explore career opportunities not only in established firms and financial institutions but also embark on their entrepreneurial journey by developing AI-driven management solutions.


  • Attendees gain a deeper understanding of the potential impact of AI, robotics, and AI-driven management strategies on the future of their industries.
  • Attendees share experiences, challenges, and best practices related to implementing AI and robotics in their respective fields.
  • Organizations may use the insights gained from the seminar to develop or refine their long-term business strategies, incorporating AI and robotics as key components for future growth and competitiveness


Surge, the annual management annual seminar of JIMS Sec 5, Rohini, kicked off at its inaugural session on 10:15 a.m at JIMS Rohini The event commenced with a serene rendition of Saraswati Vandana, invoking blessings for a fruitful and enlightening seminar Saplings were graciously presented to the esteemed guests, symbolizing growth, sustainability, and nurturing of future endeavors.

Welcome Address:

Dr. Praveen Arora Principal ,JIMS took the stage to deliver a compelling welcome address. Her speech revolved around the theme “Investing in the Future: AI Powered Management Strategies for Viksit Bharat 2047.” She elucidated the primary aim of AI, emphasizing its role in disseminating the latest market knowledge, augmenting human capabilities, and optimizing task management processes. Praveen Ma’am underscored the pivotal role of AI in providing up-to-date market insights and trends, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.Addressing concerns and misconceptions, she clarified that AI is not about replacing humans but rather collaborating with them to enhance efficiency and productivity. She emphasized the need for upskilling to adapt to the changing technological landscape.Praveen Ma’am elaborated on how AI-powered management strategies streamline task management processes, leading to increased efficiency and resource optimization.

TECHNICAL SESSION – 1 (Mr. Sandeep Arora, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Nupay)

Mr. Sandeep Arora, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Nupay, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the Fintech industry. With extensive experience spanning over two decades, Mr. Sandeep is recognized as a seasoned IT leader proficient in IT Strategy, Service Delivery, Digital Transformation, Cloud Computing, and Network Operations.Mr. Arora commenced his talk with the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words,” emphasizing the significance of visual and immersive experiences. He delved into topics such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and spatial computing, highlighting their potential within the Fintech sector. Mr. Arora provided insights into the history of AI, from industrial robots to chart board robots, culminating in the 2022 explosion of AI, including generative AI modelsEmphasizing ethical implementation, Mr. Arora stressed the importance of embracing principles such as class safety and transparency in AI development.Mr. Arora highlighted AI’s transformative nature and advocated for widespread adoption at both functional and industrial levels.

Mr. Arora concluded by offering advice on learning prompt engineering, AI-powered personal branding, and data storytelling, underscoring the importance of continuously evolving skill sets in the AI-driven landscape.

Mr. Sandeep Arora’s presentation shed light on the evolving role of AI and ML in the Fintech industry, emphasizing ethical implementation, transformative potential, and practical applications. His insights serve as a valuable guide for organizations seeking to leverage AI to drive innovation and growth in the digital era.

2nd SPEAKER (Ms. Veena Dewani, Co-Founder of Meta Lean Six Sigma)

Ms. Veena Dewani, Co-Founder of Meta Lean Six Sigma, is a prominent figure dedicated to driving positive change in India. With extensive experience spanning over 27 years across various domains, her visionary leadership aims to impact one million lives and elevate India’s global standing. Her recent discourse sheds light on pivotal strategies for realizing the vision of a developed and advanced India, particularly focusing on leveraging technology and human potential.Ms. Dewani emphasizes the urgency of steering India towards becoming a developed nation by 2047. She rationalizes this goal by highlighting the significance of achieving 100 years of progress, thereby catapulting India into the league of developed nations.She underscores the importance of recognizing the boundless potential of human imagination and intellect, juxtaposed with the limitations of physical capabilities. This perspective underscores the need to harness technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), as a catalyst for achieving ambitious goals Ms. Dewani commends the efforts undertaken by the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi to improve India’s global ranking.

After which Osmosis – Management Magazine and The Student Press – Monthly Management release team were awarded by the speakers for their efforts and contribution.


SPEAKER -1 (Ms. Sameeksha Nag, Principal Consultant at Infosys Ltd)

The session conducted by Ms. Sameeksha Nag, an esteemed Principal Consultant at Infosys Ltd, shed light on the fusion of technology expertise and leadership in empowering women. With a rich professional background spanning prominent companies such as Fidelity, TechMahindra, Aon, and Infosys, Ms. Nag is a beacon of transformative change in the tech industry. Ms. Nag highlighted the distinction between human chat and AI-generated responses, emphasizing that while AI can process vast amounts of data and automate tasks, it lacks empathy and decision-making skills inherent in human interactions.: The session addressed how automation has revolutionized industries, making labor-intensive jobs less prevalent and driving efficiency. Ms. Nag underscored the importance of embracing change in the face of automation, as it leads to smoother and smarter product and service delivery.and responsible use.Ms. Sameeksha Nag’s session provided valuable insights into the impact of AI on empowering women and the broader workforce. By embracing AI as a tool for progress while acknowledging its limitations, individuals and organizations can navigate the evolving technological landscape effectively. As we continue to integrate AI into our lives, it’s essential to strike a bal’nce between leveraging its capabilities and preserving human skills and empathy.

SPEAKER -2( Mr. P Kannan - Zonal Manager , Bajaj Finance Ltd)

Mr. P. Kannan, a seasoned Banking & Financial Services Leader at Bajaj Finance industry. With over two decades of experience and prestigious academic credentials, Kannan underscored the importance of understanding and leveraging AI technologies. He emphasized AI's role in meeting human needs and improving efficiency, citing examples from his own experiences and India's digital payment landscape. By discussing AI's benefits in reducing errors and creating new job opportunities, Kannan debunked fears of job displacement. Overall, his session shed light on AI's potential to drive innovation and growth in banking and finance, urging individuals and businesses to embrace its capabilities for success in a digital era.Limited, delivered an enlightening session on the transformative influence of AI in the

The Seminar then ended on a positive tone with a vote of thanks by Dr Parminder Bajaj.

The seminar included interactive sessions, where participants had the opportunity to engage with the speakers and discuss their thoughts on AI and its role in business strategies and development. The event received excellent feedback from the attendees, who appreciated the diverse range of topics covered and the quality of the speakers.

In conclusion, the Annual Management Seminar Surge 2024 “Investing in the Future: AI Powered Management Strategies for Viksit Bharat 2047.” was a highly informative and engaging event that highlighted the significance of importance of AI and its future possibilities

 Annual Management Seminar
Annual Management Seminar Jims

Annual Management Seminar Jims Speaker
Annual Manage Seminar

JIMS Annual Management Seminar
JIMS Speaker Annual Management seminar