The department of Economics, JIMS organized a training workshop on TheBasics of SQL on 18th November 2022. It was a session organised for BA Eco 2nd and 3rd year students to provide them the much-needed technical know-how of this tool used for data analysis. Resource persons for the workshop was Mr. Sanjive Saxena.
Sanjive Saxena, is an Associate Professor. He has 16 years of IT industry experience ranging from Software development, Project Management and Software Quality Assurance Activities. In addition to this he has an academic experience of14years. He is actively involved in research and consulting activities and has presented papers in IIM's and IIT's. He has several publications in various reputed International and national journals.
The session began with a warm welcome of Mr. Sanjive Saxena.
Sir started off with some key pointers related to the topic such as-
· SQL isStructured Query Language.
· Adatabase is also known as dataset and is used for sorting of data.
· Economics-Optimum utilisation of scarce resources
· Economic indicators - Micro and Macro
· Economic factors- Inflation, Interestrate, RBI etc.
When we analyse any data set, we need to sort, filter, and organize data.
Sir began by comparing Ms Excel with SQL by explaining that former is used for small dataset whereas latter is used for larger dataset.
In SQL, he began by teaching about creation of tables on the basis of raw information, entering the data, retrieving it by running commands, updating the data. And at last, dropping the rows/columns or deleting the entire dataset.
He also gave us a dataset of a company on which students had to demonstrate their understanding of the topic.
It was a very informative session which prepared the students for upcoming placement season. The session indeed turned out to be very productive and it was a very informative session which prepared the students for upcoming placement season.
We acknowledge the role of Management of JIMS in supporting us and encouraging us for the skill development of students. We appreciate the efforts of all Faculty and student coordinators for working tirelessly and making it a huge success.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the structure and design of relational databases.
2.Understand the importance and major issues of database security and the maintenance of data integrity