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The Economic Club E-360 of JIMS Sector-5, Rohini organised an quiz event ECON QUEST

E-360, The economics club of JIMS Rohini organised  “ECON QUEST”  on Friday July 22, 2022. The quiz was based on routine, current and international economics.

JIMS Rohini
JIMS Rohini

The Quiz was conducted in 4 rounds , all being elimination rounds. A total of 26 teams participated in the event. The first round was a preliminary round, which was conducted online on Quizizz and 10 teams proceeded to the main Quiz. The 1st round was based on routine economics and 9 teams entered the next level. The 2nd round was based on current affairs of economics, 2 teams got eliminated and 7 teams buckled up for the 3rd  round, based on  International economics. 6 teams passed with flying colors and 1 team got knocked out. The 4th and Final Rapid Fire round was intense and fun. Each team  had to answer as many questions as they could in the given duration of 60 seconds.

The event received good participation and saw a great deal of enthusiasm and healthy competition amongst students of all streams and  years.

Finally, winners were declared and rewarded with cash prizes. 1st prize was of  2000 Rupees, 2nd prize of 1500 Rupees and 3rd prize was 1000 Rupees, which was a tie. The event was successfully concluded under the guidance of Dr. Navneet Joshi, Ms. Mansi Madan and Ms. Tanshi Ghai.

PGDM JIMS Rohini, Delhi


