Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, Dr. Megha Gupta (2020) "A Bankable Pictorial Password Authentication Approach" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communications (ICICC) 2020"[1-5] [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_i]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2019 ) "Analysis of Biometric Systems in Mobile Devices" in International journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR)"[ISSN: 2455-4847, Vol 04, June 2019, (ONLINE)] [ISSN: 2455-4847, Vol 04, June 2019, (ONLINE)]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, Dr. Megha Gupta (2019) "Comparative Authentication Techniques Study for Smart Devices" in International journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering(IJRECE )A Unit of I2OR"[VOL. 7 ISSUE 1 (JANUARY- MARCH 2019) ] [ISSN: 2393-9028 (PRINT) ,ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE),]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, Dr. Megha Gupta (2019) "Abstract Publication- Subsequent Reliable Technique for Cells Data- Graphical Password" in Complex System in Interdisciplinary Sciences"[0] [0]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2017) ""Disaster and Recovery Approach for Various Online Attacks” published in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI)
Available Online at: http://www.ijesi.org/papers/Vol(6)7/G06074045.pdf,
UGC details-Sl No.: 3822, Journal No:43302, ISSN :23196726, E-ISSN :23196734
" in International Journal"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2017) "Disaster and Recovery Approach for Various Online Attacks" in International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI)"[ Vol 6, issue 7] [ISSN (online): 2319-6734 ISSN (print): 2319-6726]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "Security Issues of Firewall" in International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology, SSRG"[Volume-22, Part-I, issue-I] [UGC LISTED]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, Ankita CHopra (2016) "Application of Educational Data Mining Techniques in E- Learning Systems with its Security Issues: A Case Study" in International Journal Of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)"[Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2016, ] [DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.53245 ISSN(online)- 227]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "A Review Paper on Discrete Online Attacks" in International Journal of Engineering Business and Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA)"[NA] [ISSN (Print): 2279-0020, ISSN (Online): 2279-0039,]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "Security Threats and Remedies in E-Learning System" in International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications (IJCST)"[Vol 7, Issues 7] [ISSN (online): 2047- 3338 ]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "“A Review Paper on Discrete Online Attacks”, International Journal of Engineering Business and Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA), ISSN (Print): 2279-0020, ISSN (Online): 2279-0039, Issue 18.
Available online at- http://iasir.net/ijebeaissue/ijebeaissue18-1.html " in International "[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "“A Review Paper on Discrete Online Attacks” Published in International Journal of Engineering Business and Enterprise Applications (IJEBEA), in Sept- Nov, 2016, ISSN (Print): 2279-0020, ISSN (Online): 2279-0039, Issue 18" in International "[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "“Security Issues of Firewall”, International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology, SSRG, Volume-22, Part-I, issue-I, Impact Factor- 1.165" in International"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "Application of Educational Data Mining Techniques in E- Learning Systems with its Security Issues: A Case Study, International Journal Of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2016,
DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2016.53245
ISSN(online)- 2278-1021
ISSN(print)- 2319-5940
,Impact Factor- 5.332" in National"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2016) "“Security Threats and Remedies in E-Learning System” Published in International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications (IJCST), Oct 2016,
ISSN (online): 2047- 3338, Vol 7, Issues 7
" in International"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2015) ""Big Data: A Trouble or A Real Solution?", Published in International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJSCI), Volume 12, issue 2 March 2015
ISSN(Print): 1694-0814
ISSN(Online): 1694-0784
" in International"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2015) "Paper Presented and published in Journal on topic- "Data Driven Analytics: Prospects and Challenges", Published in Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT), Print ISSN: 2393-9907, Online ISSN: 2393-9915, Volume 2, Number 4, April-June, 2015 " in National"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2015) "Data Driven Analytics: Prospects and Challenges" in Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology (ACSIT)"[Volume 2, Number 4, April-June, 2015] [Print ISSN: 2393-9907, Online ISSN: 2393-9915, ]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2015) "Big Data: A Trouble or A Real Solution?"" in International Journal of Computer Science Issues(IJSCI)"[Volume 12, issue 2 March 2015 ] [ISSN(Print): 1694-0814 ISSN(Online): 1694-0784 Web]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2014) "A Study on- The Sixth Sense Technology and Its Various Security Threats" in International Journal Of Information & Computation Technology"[NA] [ISSN: 0974-2239]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2014) ""A Study on- The Sixth Sense Technology and Its Various Security Threats", Published in International Journal Of Information & Computation Technology" in International"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2013) "Paper Presented and Published in conference proceeding on the topic- "Key Exchange Algorithms In Cryptography: A Road Map To Data Security", In International Conference Conducted by JIMS " in International"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2013) ""Comparative Analysis of Key Exchange Algorithms in Cryptography and Its Implementation", Published in The Journal Of Innovations- IMS, Noida , Volume VIII, Issue-2, December 2013, ISSN(Print): 0974-7141, ISSN (Online): 0976-1713" in National"[] []
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2013) "Key Exchange Algorithms In Cryptography: A Road Map To Data Security" in Published in Conference Proceedings of International Conference on “Exploring the Soul of Business: An Eternal Sustainer"[NA] [ISBN- 978-93-82062-87-5 ]
Ms. Aakanksha Chopra, (2013) "Comparative Analysis of Key Exchange Algorithms in Cryptography and Its Implementation" in Journal Of Innovations- IMS, Noida "[Volume VIII, Issue-2, December 2013] [ISSN(Print): 0974-7141, ISSN (Online): 0976-1713]