

Dr. Archana B.Saxena

- Information Technology

Specialisation: Trust in cloud Computing
Archana B Saxena is working as Professor in IT (Information Technology) Department of Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS), Sector-5, Rohini. She had completed her MCA, Mphil and currently pursuing  doctorate in the field of cloud computing. Her research area is Trust in Cloud Computing.  She has more than 14 years of experience in teaching. She also has experience in web site designing and hosting.  She has various publications in national and international journals Like Springer, IEEE. she has also demonstrated her research work in various esteemed institutions like IIT Kanpur, IIM Indore, DTU(Delhi Technological University) Other than research topic Trust in Cloud, her areas of interest are: Website Designing, Database, Languages.


  • Phd.
  • Cloud Computing, Data Science
  • Trust in Cloud Computing
  • Java Programming Language, Web Designing, Operating Systems, Databases

Research & Publication

  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2020) "Contribution of Various Components in Cloud Trust: A Cloud Consumer’s Perspective" in Conference proceedings published by Taylor & Francis Group"[Volume 1, May 2020] [https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003052098]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2020) "Governance & Security: An Association Analysis " in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research "[Volume9, Issue3, March 2020] [2277-8616]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Deepti Sharma, Dr. Deepshikha Aggarwal (2020) "Academic Initiatives to Ameliorate the Placement Perspectives for Technical Courses" in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology"[ Vol. 29 No. 9s (2020): Special Issue] [ ISSN]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Y.S.Shishodia, Dr. Meenu Dawe (2020) "Consumer’s Perception on cloud Trust: Evaluation Based on Trust Component and Sub Component" in SSRN: Elsevier Proceeding Publication"[Volume 1, 2020] [http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3563585]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2019) "Decision Tree: A Predictive Modeling Tool Used in cloud Computing " in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology "[ Volume-8 Issue-6, 4778-4783] [ISSN: 2249 – 8958,]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2019) "Certification Attainment - A Gizmo to Evaluate Provider's Trust: Trust Evaluation is Grounded on Provider’s Attainment status Concerning Recommended Certifications " in International Journal of Natural Computing & Research"[9(1)] [10.4018/IJNCR.2020010101]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2019) "Secure and Trustworthy cloud: Need of Digital India, an e-governance Project" in Springer Publication"[ vol 922, 330-339] [978-981-15-1717-4, 978-981-15-1718-1, https://doi.]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2019) "Trust Evaluation & Enhancement: An Apparatus to Get Competitive Advantage" in Indian Journal of Applied Research "[Volume-9 | Issue-10,46-47] [ PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2018) "IAAS Trust in Public Domain: Evaluative Framework for Service Provider" in Presentation, IIT Bombay"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2018) "Trust Framework for IAAS- A Tool Based on Security Checks Through Standard and Certifications" in Presentation in Springer Conference"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2018) "IAAS Trust Framework: A Tool Based on Security Parameters" in Presentation and Publication"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave (2018) "IAAS Trust Framework: A tool Based on Security Parameters" in "[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2018) "Trust Framework for IAAS- A Tool Based on Security Checks Through Standard and Certifications" in Springer SIST (Smart Innovations, Systems Technologies) "[] [978-981-13-1747-7_35]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2017) "Calculation of Exploitation Degree at IAAS" in International Journal IJETT [International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology]"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2017) "Security in Cloud : Joint Responsibility of Cloud Consumer and Cloud Provider" in International Journal IJIACS [International Journal of Innovations and Advancement in Computer Science]"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2017) "Loss of Trust at IAAS: Causing Factors and Mitigation Techniques" in IEEE Digital xplorer Web Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8284465/"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2017) "Flexibility Management through secure digital India Initiative of the Government" in International conference, GLOGIFT 17 17th Global Conference on flexible Systems Management Organized by DTU (Delhi Technological University)"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2016) "Mathematical Model for determining the degree of Exploitation due to loss of trust in cloud at IAAS level" in International Conference, LATMAS-2016 [Latest Adva"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2013) "Developing a Mathematical model for assessing the impact of Loss of trust due to data leakage in cloud" in ICCTICT, GGSIPU University"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2011) "Analysis of threshold based load balancing policy for heterogeneous systems" in International Journal of Advanced Information Tech"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2011) "Framework for threshold based centralized load balancing policy for heterogeneous systems" in International Journal of Computer science and Tech"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2011) "Framework to solve Load Balancing Problem in Heterogeneous Web Server" in International Journal of Computer Science and Engi"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2010) "Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Systems" in "Knowledge Hub” a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal "[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2010) "Rural e-banking: Gaps, Inefficiencies and Emerging Solution through Mobile Terminals at customer door-step" in INDICOM-2010 by Bhartiya Vidyapeeth’s"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2008) "Framework for Anomaly Detection in XML Web Data" in International Conference on “Data Management""[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (2007) "Data Mining tools for Business Intelligence: An Insight”" in National Conference organized by GGSIPU"[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (11/2018) "“Secure and Trustworthy cloud: Need of Digital India, an e-governance Project" in "[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (08 /2018) "IAAS service in Public domain: Impact of Various Security Components on Trust" in "[] []
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (07/2018) "IAAS Trust in Public Domain : Evaluative Framework for Service Provider" in IEEE computer society"[] [ IEEE Digital Explorer]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, (02/2019) "Cloud Trust: A Key to attain Competitive advantage" in Evidence Based Management"[] [978-93-86238-65-8]

Research & Publication in Journal




Faculty Recognition

Management Development Programme

  • asAAS in Zzxzx by sasasa - asasas,15-01-2020  to 25-01-2020
  • Cloud Trust in Security & Trust by Delhi, - 2 days,04-10-2019  to 05-10-2019
  • saS in ASAs by as - Asa,5/11/2020  to 5/12/2020
  • abcd in mnjg by Rohini - 10,5/4/2020  to 5/14/2020


  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave presented Contribution of Various Components in Cloud Trust: A Cloud Consumer’s Perceptive in ICTCS-2019- International Conference on Business Management” Organized By B.N.University, Udaipur[13-12-2019 to 14-12-2019]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Big Data Analytics 2014 Organized By IIT Delhi[20th Dec 2014 to 23rd dec 2014]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Creating Customer value for Cloud Service Provider by building Trust at the IAAS Level Organized By IIMI-NASMEI Summer Marketing Conference-2017” Organized by IIM (Indian Institute of Management)[27th july 2017 to 29th July 2017]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Loss of Trust at IAAS: Causing Factors and Mitigation Techniques Organized By IC3TSN - 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMART NATION) technically sponsored by IEEE organized by G D Goenka University, Gurugram, Delhi-[12-14 October 2017 to ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in IAAS Trust Framework: Security Tool Based on Standards and Certifications Organized By “ICCI-2017, 2017 International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Theories, Applications and Future Directions” Organized by IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Kanpur, India [6 - 8th, December 2017 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in ICTIS-2018, 3rd International Conference on “Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems Organized By Springer[6th -7th/4/ 2018 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Science, Management and Humanities Organized By Journal[18/3/2018 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in IAAS Trust in Public Domain: Evaluative Framework for Service Provider Organized By IIT Bombay[2018 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies Organized By B.N.University, Udaipur[13-12-2019 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Developing a Mathematical model for assessing the impact of Loss of trust due to data leakage in cloud Organized By International Conference on Computation Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies, organized by GGSIPU, New Delhi, India[11-13, March, 2016 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Mathematical Model for determining the degree of Exploitation due to loss of trust in cloud at IAAS level Organized By LATMAS -2016 Latest Advances in Technology, Management and Applied sciences IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida[20, Feburuary 2016 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Security in Cloud : Joint Responsibility of Cloud Consumer and Cloud Provider Organized By ICETSMI-2017 6th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, Science and Management Innovation (ICETSMI-2017) organized by IETE The Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, [11th June 2017 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in Cloud Trust: A Key to attain Competitive Advantage Organized By BITS Pilani, Rajasthan[01/01/2019 02/02/2019 ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, presented in ICALT -2018, 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Organized By IIT bombay[9th -13th / 7/ 2018 to ]
  • Dr. Archana B.Saxena, Dr. Meenu Dave presented Consumer’s Perception on Cloud Trust: Evaluation Based on Trust Component and Sub Elements in International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication Organized By Shaheed Sukhdev Singh College of Business Studies, University of Delhi[2/21/2020 to 2/23/2020]


  • Cyber Crime by JIMS - 2009
  • Cyber Security by GIBS - 17th Jan 2009
  • Cyber Crime by JIMS - 7th March 2009
  • Leading Edge Trends in computing Technologies by JIMS - 17th Oct 2015
  • ggg by hhh - 11/13/2019 11/16/2019
  • IOT by BVICAM - 5/13/2020 5/13/2020
