Dr. Mohit Mathur, Dr Mamta Madan, Mr Mohit C Saxena (24/12/2021) "A Proposed Architecture for Placement of Cloud Data Centre in Software Defined Network Environment" in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)"[11/2/ 104-116] [2249-8958 (Online)]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2023) "Simulation Modelling of Cloud Mini and Mega Data Centers Using Cloud Analyst" in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication"[Volume: 11 Issue: 10] [2321-8169]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, Dr Mamta Madan (2020) "A Satiated Method for Cloud Traffic Classification in Software Defined Network Environment" in Research Anthology on Recent Trends, Tools, and Implications of Computer Programming IGI Global"[Chapter 67] [1509-1528 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3016-0.ch067]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2019) "Software Defined Cloud Mini Data Centers – An Effort towards Reduction in Latency of Cloud Traffic Delivery" in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)"[] [ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2016) "A Satiated Method for Cloud Traffic Classification in Software Defined Network Environment" in International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) , volume 6(2) published by IGI global, USA "[] [ISSN: 2156-1834]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2014) "Cloud Network Management Model- A Novel Approach to Manage Cloud Traffic" in International Journal of Cloud Computing- Services and Architecture(IJCCSA)"[] [ISSN 2231-5853 (Online) 2231-6663 (Print) run by A]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2013) "Comprehensive Cloud Incremental Data-Application Migration – A Proposed Model for Cloud Migration" in International Journal of Computer Applications in in Engineering Sciences"[] [ISSN: 2231-4946, paper ID -IJCAES-CSE-2013-009, Vo]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2012) "The Cloud Traffic Tribulations - Dangers & Suggested Solutions(ISBN 978-3-8484-4909-5)" in Cloud Computing, Published by LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., Germany,published on 26/06/12. It is online available at www.morebooks.de"[] []
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2010) "A Comprehensive Solution to Cloud Traffic Tribulations" in International Journal on Web Service Computing (IJWSC) "[] [ISSN: 0976 - 9811 (Online); 2230 - 7702 (print) Vo]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2010) "Elucidation of Upcoming Traffic Problems in Cloud Computing" in Springer’s (LNCS), CCIS series Vol. 90 in ”Recent Trends in Networks and Communications”"[] [ISBN978-3-642-14492-9 (Print) 978-3-642-14493-6 (O]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2010) "Achieving Vertical Scalability in Cloud Computing" in Conference IndiaCom 2010 "[] [Paper Id 107, Under Track Web Technologies, Comput]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2009) "Assessment of Strong user Authentication Schemes in Cloud Computing" in Paper ID APPL1324,presented at IEEE sponsored International Conference IACC’09(International Advance Computing Conference) held at Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab"[] [ISBN 9781424429271]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2008) "CAN WE AFFORD A CLOUD" in International Conference ICACCT (International Conference on Advance Computing and Communication technologies"[] [A]
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2008) "Role of Paperless Education in Knowledge Community: Present and Future Scenario" in National Conference on the theme "Professional Education in India: The Role of Institute – Industry Partnership"organized by school of management studies , IP University on 24th July'08."[] []
Dr. Mohit Mathur, (2007) "Democratic Empowerment of Citizens through E-Governance- Need of the Hour" in AICTE sponsored National Conference organized by School of management studies and CSI, Delhi chapter, IP University, in Nov ‘07."[] []