Dr. Latika Kharb, (September 2019) "Implementing IoT and Data Analytics to Overcome "Vehicles Danger"" in SCOPUS"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (August 2019) "Brain Emulation Machine Model for Communication" in SCOPUS"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2023) "Harnessing The Superiority Of Cognitive Technology Over Artificial Intelligence" in ECB"[12] [2582-520X]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2022) "Book Chapter-IoT-Enabled Hazardous Gas Leakage Detection System for Citizen's Safety
" in Book Title-Internet of Things
"[ N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2022) "Privacy Enhanced Key Management Protocol for handling Remote Data using Deep Learning and Evolutionary Models" in International Journal of Health Science"[Volume 6 ] [2550-696X]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Book Recommendation System-An hour of need in COVID-19 pandemic
" in DESIGN ENGINEERING"[2021/9/ 10385-10397] [ISSN- 0011-9342]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Spear-Phishing Emails Verification Method based
on Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme
" in Journal of Information Assurance and Security
"[Volume 16] [ISSN- 1554-1010]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Exploratory Data Analysis on the Epidemiology of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Outbreak
" in . Int J Cur Res Rev. "[ N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "IoT Based Water Quality Control and Monitoring System for Urban Society
" in Integration and Implementation of the Internet of Things Through Cloud Computing
"[178-189] [10.4018/978-1-7998-6981-8]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) " Smart Farming Using Internet of Things (IoT): A Solution for Optimal Monitoring
" in Integration and Implementation of the Internet of Things Through Cloud Computing
"[ 236-250] [10.4018/978-1-7998-6981-8]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Proposing Real-Time Smart Healthcare Model Using IoT
" in Internet of Things Use Cases for the Healthcare Industry (IoTUCHI-2019)
"[25-41] [ISBN 978-3-030-37526-3]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Exploratory Data Analysis on the Epidemiology of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Outbreak
" in Scopus"[1231] [123]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Sustainable Smart Society Framework Using ICT
"[649-657] [1393]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "Applying Data Mining to Detect the Mental State and Small Muscle Movements for Individuals with Autism Spectrum" in Book Chapter"[N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2021) "IoIT: Integrating Artificial Intelligence with IoT to Solve Pervasive IoT Issues" in "[] []
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) "Proposing Realtime Smart Healthcare Model using IoT" in "[] []
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) "Photovoltaic Cells Embedded Road for Electric Vehicle Charging" in Elsevier"[N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) "Forecasting Movie Rating through Data Analytics
" in Springer CCIS"[Volume 1230] [978-981-15-5830-6]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) " Pruning Deficiency of Big Data Analytics Using Cognitive Computing
" in IEEE"[N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) " Role of Machine Learning in Modern Education and Teaching" in "[] []
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) "Smart Nursery with Health Monitoring System Through Integration of IoT and Machine Learning" in "[] []
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2020) "A Contingent Exploration on Big Data Tools" in Springer LNEE"[Volume 637] [978-981-15-2612-1]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Weak Form of Currency Futures: Evidence from India" in IEEE"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "Digital Tranquillity in Cheque Transaction System
" in IRJET"[6/10] [ISSN: 1329-1324]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "Artificial Intelligence: Next Gen Combinatorial Optimization" in EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)"[4/12] [ISSN: 2455-7838]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Zigbee Technology: A Global Standard for Communication
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Future of Transport: Connected Vehicles
" in IRJET"[6/11] [ISSN: 1238-1241]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "How Cognitive Technology Is Better Than AI?" in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications (IJATCA)"[6/2] [ISSN: 2395-3519]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Generate Revenues Online through Marketing Strategies
" in International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IRJIET)"[ 3/12] [ISSN: 2581-3048]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Importance of Mobile Security
" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)"[ 4/1] [ ISSN: 2456 – 6470]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) " What is Data Science?
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Understanding Concepts Behind Data Science
Dr. Latika Kharb, 3 (2019) "Using Plastic Waste as Resource of Petro-fuels
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Weak Form Efficiency Of Currency Futures: Evidence From India
" in IEEE XPLORE"[N/A] [ISBN: 978-1-7281-4826-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "Invention Of Parsimonious Science: Foldscope" in IJSRED"[6/2] [ISSN : 2581-7175]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) " Need of Cyber Security in Fast Growing World
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "Understanding Concepts Behind RFID Technology
" in EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)"[4/12] [ ISSN: 2455-7838]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Proficient Business Solutions through Cloud Services
" in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)"[ 6/11] [ ISSN: 2395-0056]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Eye Tracking-A New Evolution in Technology
" in International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology"[4/7] [ISSN: 455-2143]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 1 (2019) "Handwriting Recognition System using Diagonal Feature Extraction
" in IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development|"[7/10] [ISSN (online): 2321-0613]
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "Qubits : Concepts Behind Quantum Computing
Dr. Latika Kharb, 2 (2019) "The Science of Machine Learning
" in EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)"[5/12] [ISSN (Online): 2455-3662]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Digital Tranquility in Cheque Transaction System
" in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)"[ 6/10] [ e-ISSN: 2395-0056]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Towards Apposite Literacy in India through RIEP
" in International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development"[2/5] [ISSN : 2581-7175]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Cyber Security Threats And Security Measures
" in International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management"[ 3/5] [ISSN : 2581-5792]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Jewellery with Embedded Intelligence
" in International Journal of Novel Research and Development "[ 5/2] [ISSN : 2456-4184]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Quantum Computing: Pinning Down the Age of Universe
" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development"[ 4/2] [ISSN : 2456 – 6470]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2019) "Threat to Human Intelligence-Artificial Super Intelligence
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2016-17) "Z Maturity Model for Testing in Component-Based Development" in IJCSMC"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2015-16) "An Agent-Based Software Approach towards building Complex Systems" in TEM JOURNAL, SERBIA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) " Coupling-Based Testing Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages" in IndiaCom 2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Software Security Improvement with Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD)" in ICFAI Journal of Systems Management"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Evidence-Based Forensic Dentistry- Art of Dental Record Keeping" in The Indian Practitioner, USA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Achieving Operational Excellence through Proposed Quality Metrics for Software Testing" in IJCITE, SINGAPORE"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Complexity Metrics for Component-Oriented Software Systems" in ACM SIGSOFT SEN,USA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "PLHIM: A New Object-Oriented Metric on Hierarchical Inheritance" in IJCA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "ATCM: Aspect Trust & Certification Model for Verifying Issues of Aspect-Oriented Software Development" in INDIACOM 2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Assessment of Component Criticality with Proposed Metrics" in INDIACOM 2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2008) "Revisiting AMD (Aspect-Method Dependencies Metric for Coupling) for Measurement" in INDIACOM 2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Phishing and It’s Indian Perspective" in IJMI,USA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Autonomic Computing Systems" in ICFAI Journal of System Management"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "New Vision of Computer Forensic Science: Need of Cyber Crime Law" in The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics,USA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "The Emerging Trends in Mobile Computing " in TISC-2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Component-Based Development Methodology: The Concept and Process" in TISC-2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Cyber Crimes: A Challenge for Cyber Law" in ISIL"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Evaluation of Total Cost of Testing Through Proposed Cost Estimation Metrics" in TISC-2008"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "AMD: Aspect-Method Dependencies Metric for Coupling" in National Conference on Information Technology: Present Practices and Challenges"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering: A New Approach to Develop Secure Software " in INDIACOM 2007"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) "Management Cares about Improving Product Quality: An Overview" in National Conference on Total Quality Management, Vaish College of Engineering"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2007) " Human Clone: Who Is Related to Whom" in The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics,USA"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (2006) "Evolution of Software Metrics: From Traditional to Object-oriented Paradigm " in The ICFAI Journal of Information Technology"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2019) "Smart Mobility: Understanding Handheld Device Adoption" in Springer:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) /Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) "[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2019) "Pruning Deficiency of Big Data Analytics Using Cognitive Computing" in IEEE"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2019) "VISIO”: An IoT Device for Assistance of Visually Challenged" in Springer"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2018) "Embedding Emotions And Intelligence-Artificial Intelligence" in IJIRT"[] [2349-6002]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2018) "A Futuristic Approach: Incorporating Artificial Intelligence with Cyber Security" in IJRESM"[] [2349-6002]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2018) "Virtual Mind-The Blue Brain" in IJRAR"[] [2348-1269]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2018) "Tools for Software Re-engineering" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development"[] [2456-6470, https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd19032]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2017) "Swarm Intelligence" in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE On Emerging Issues in Business, Technology and Applied Sciences, Dubai In collaboration with Three Universities of USA: MAUMES, FSU and BSU."[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2017) "Data security in Cloud Computing" in International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention"[] [2319 – 6726]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2015) "Towards Identifying Aspects of Software Quality" in International journal of Research science and Management"[] [2349- 5197]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2015) "IBM Bluemix: Future Development with Open Cloud Architecture" in International Journal of Information, Communication and Computing Technology"[] [2347-7202]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (12/2013) "CCTF: Component Certification & Trust Framework" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science and Engineering"[] [2320-7639]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (11/2019) "PLHIM: Proposing an Inheritance based Object-Oriented Metric" in Scopus"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (11/2018) "Technical Paper" in IJET"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (11/2017) "The Hackers-Shadow Brokers" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT)"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (11/2017) "Embedding Intelligence through Cognitive Services" in International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (11/2017) "BITCOINS- FUTURE CURRENCY" in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Applications"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2019) "Forecasting Movie Rating through Data Analytics" in International"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2019) "Predictive Strength of Selected Classification Algorithms for Diagnosis of Liver Disease" in Springer"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2019) "Forecasting Bitcoin Exchange Rate" in IEEE"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2018) "Security for Digital Payments: An Update" in IJSRNSC"[] [2321-3256]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2017) "Cyber Crimes becoming Threat to Cyber Security" in International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)"[] [2250-0758]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2017) "Digital Transfer of Information through Internet" in International Journal of Research in Information Technology"[] [2456-3307]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2017) "What is Pharming?" in International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2017) "Multi-model Databases, New SQL, Time Series Databases" in International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA)"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2016) "ANS: Automotive Navigation Systems" in IJMER- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research"[] [2277 - 7881]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2016) "Automated Deployment of Software Containers Using Dockers" in International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research(IJETER)"[] [2454-6410]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (10/2015) "Moving Ahead in Future with Drones: The UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)" in Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET) "[] [2395-5317]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (09/2017) "Challenges and Security Issues of NOsql Databases" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (09/2016) "Innovations to Create a Digital India: Distinguishing Reality from Virtuality" in Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)"[] [2395-5317]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (09/2014) "Proposing a Comprehensive Software Metrics for Process Efficiency" in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER)"[] [2229-5518]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (08/2019) "A Contingent Exploration on Big data tools" in Springer"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (08/2019) "Smart Diagnosis of Orthopaedic Disorders Using IoT" in International"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (08/2018) "Technical Paper" in IEEE Journal"[] [ 10.1109/CONFLUENCE.2018.8442728]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (08/2015) "An Agent Based Software Approach towards Building Complex Systems" in TEM Journal"[] [2217-8309]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (07/2019) "The Developing Role Of Block Chain (R)Evolution" in IJMR"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (07/2018) "Using IoT for Real Time Solutions" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies"[] [2319-1953]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (07/2012) "Software Testing vs Code Inspection: What’s necessary for Verification & Validation " in EPPICTM-2012: Emerging Paradigms & Practice in Information & Communication Technology & Mgmt"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (07/2011) "Reliable Software Development with Proposed Quality Oriented Software Testing Metrics" in International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications"[] [2229-6093]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (07/2011) "Software component complexity measurement through proposed integration metrics" in Journal of Global Research in Computer Science"[] [2229-371X]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (06/2019) "Performance Analytics of Network Monitoring Tools" in Scopus"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (06/2019) "Health Treatment through IoT" in Proceeding Of NIT, Jaipur"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (06/2019) "IoT for Augmenting Performance of Professional Sports Training" in UGC-2018"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (06/2019) "Accelerate Life with MIMO" in UGC-2018"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (04/2019) "Editor of Book" in CCIS Book Series-835, Springer, Germany"[] [10.1007/978-981-13-5992-7]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (04/2019) "Data Mining- A Distinctive approach to CRM" in UGC-2018"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Education through E-learning has begun!" in International Journal of Engineering and Management Invention"[] [ 2455-4786]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "E-Governance for Human Resource Development with IT" in International Journal of Engineering and Management Invention"[] [ 2455-4786]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Improvising Product Quality through Lifecycle Quality Management" in IJIAR"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Exploration of Social Networks with Visualization Tools" in American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER)"[] [2320-0847]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Balancing SNS through Visualization" in ELIXIR Inform. Tech."[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Security Concepts Underlying MANET" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT)"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2017) "Routing Mechanisms in Ad Hoc Networks" in Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2015) "Challenges to Component Testability" in Journal of Global Research in Computer Science"[] [2229-371X]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (03/2012) "CTM: A Certification and Trust Model for Component Based Systems." in ICIAICT 2012:Innovations and Advancements in Information and Communication Technology"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (02/2019) "RAT: Remote Administrative Trojan" in UGC-2018"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2018) "Comprehensive Study of Security in Cloud Computing" in IJET"[] [10.1]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2018) "BUGS in Silicon" in International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering"[] [2394-2320]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2018) "Searching New Assets With Biometrics" in International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) "[] [2454-9150]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2016) "Wearable Technology: Enhancing the Quality of Life" in International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research"[] [2347 -3983]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2016) "Risk Identification while Component Integration" in International Journal of Technology and Science"[] [2350-1111]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2016) "Biometric Personal Data Security Systems: Trustworthy Yet?" in IJRERD"[] [2455-8761]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2015) "QAM: proposed model for quality assurance in CBSS" in Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal"[] [2299-8624]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2015) "Proposed CEM (Cost Estimation Metrics): Estimation of cost of quality in software testing" in International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, (01/2014) "Software Testing vs. Code Inspection" in Proceedings of the 4th National Conference; INDIACom-2010"[] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, ( 2021) " Applying Data Mining to Detect Mental State and Small Muscle movements for Autistics (ASD)" in "[] []
Dr. Latika Kharb, ( 2021) "Price Discovery Mechanism in FX Market of India
" in IEEE XPLORE"[ N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, ( 2021) "Scrutinizing Patterns of Air Pollution In India
" in IEEE XPLORE"[ N/A] [N/A]
Dr. Latika Kharb, ( 2021) "A Conjecture on the Exchange Rate of Bitcoin
" in AIIT"[ N/A] [N/A]