Dr. Deepak Chahal, (Sept 2019) "Implementing IoT and Data Analytics to overcome Vehicles Danger" in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering"[Volume-8, Issue-11] [2278-3075]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (October 2018) "Security for Digital Payments: An Update" in Int. J. Sc. Res. in Network Security and Communication"[] [2321-3256]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (October 2018) "Security for Digital Payments: An Update" in Int. J. Sc. Res. in Network Security and Communication"[] [2321-3256]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (November 2018) "Digital Transfer of Information through Internet" in International Journal of Research in Information Technology (IJRIT)"[] [2001-5569]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (November 2018) "The Developing Role Of Block Chain (R)Evolution" in EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)"[] [2455-3662]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (November 2019) "A Survey on Cryptography, Encryption and Compression Techniques" in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET"[Volume: 06 Issue: 11] [2395-0056]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (November 2019) "An Overview To Cloud Computing" in International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development"[Volume 2 Issue 6] [2581 - 7175]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (November 2019) "Technological Race Dependency on Cloud Computing" in International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology"[Volume 5 Issue 11] [2395-1052]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (NOV 2021) "Book Recommendation System-An hour of need in COVID-19 pandemic " in Design Engineering"[Issue: 9 ] [00119342]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (May 2020) "Big Data : An Overview" in International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education"[Volume 6 Issue 3] [2395-4396]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (May 2020) "Internet of Things – The New Trend" in International Journal for Scientific Research and Developement (IJSRD)."[Volume-3, Issue-5] [2581-5792]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (May 2019) "An Overview to SSH : Secure Shell" in International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ("[] [2348-1269]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (March 2019) "An Insight to Touch-Less Touch-Screen" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies"[] [2319 – 1953]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (June 2020) "An Empirical Study on Information Security" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)"[Volume 4 Issue 4] [2456 – 6470]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (June 2019) "Performance Analytics of Network Monitoring Tools" in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering"[] [2278-3075]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (July 2019) "PLHIM: Proposing an Inheritance based Object-Oriented Metric" in International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering"[Volume-8 Issue-9S4] [2278-3075]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (Feb 2022) "Self-Attention based Bidirectional LSTM and
Machine Learning Approaches for Android Malware
Classification" in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering"[Vol. 7 No. 2 February, 2022] [0974-5823]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2019) "Data privacy and security issues in India: An empirical study" in International Journal of Research in Engineering"[Volume 1; Issue 4] [2664-8784]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2019) "Blockchain: An Innovative Technology" in International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development"[Volume 2 Issue 6] [2581 - 7175]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2018) "RFID: Technology and Applications
" in International Journal of Research in Information Technology"[] [2001-5569]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2018) "Tools for Software Re-engineering
" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development "[] [2456-6470]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2018) "Internet of Things: A Literature Review
" in International Journal of Research in Information Technology"[] [2001-5569]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2018) "Data Science Applications, Challenges
Related Future Technology
" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development"[] [2456-6470]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (December 2018) "A Futuristic Approach: Incorporating Artificial Intelligence with Cyber Security
" in IJRESM: International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science, and Management"[] [2581-5792]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (August 2019) "Smart Diagnosis of Orthopaedic Disorders using IoT" in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ("[Vol 8, Issue 06] [2249-8958]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (August 2019) "Brain Emulation Machine Model for Communication" in International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research"[Volume-8, Issue-8] [2277-8616]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (April 2020) "A Comprehensive Study on Blockchain Technologyy" in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)"[Volume: 07 Issue: 04] [2395-0056]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (April 2020) "Overview of Cyborg Technology" in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)"[Volume 4 Issue 3] [2456 – 6470]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2023) "Harnessing The Superiority Of Cognitive Technology Over Artificial Intelligence" " in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication"[12,10] [2063-5346]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2022) "Self-Attention based Bidirectional LSTM and Machine Learning Approaches for Android Malware Classification" in International Journal of Mechanical Engineering"[Vol. 7 No. 2] [0974-5823]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2021) "Exploratory Data Analysis on the Epidemiology of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Outbreak" in International Journal of Current Research and Review"[Vol 13 • Issue 06 • March 2021/ S12-S18] [0975-5241]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2018) "Using Internet of Things (IoT) for Real Time Solutions" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management "[] [23191953]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Technical Paper " in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Technical Paper " in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Technical Paper UGC Journal" in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Research Paper " in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Research Paper" in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2017) "Technical Paper " in UGC Journal"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2012) "Assessment Of Security In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET)" in Research Paper (Index Journal with impact factor 4"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2011) "Classification Study Of Routing Protocols For Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks" in Research Article"[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (2011) "Security Enhancement in MANET with 4G" in Research Paper ( Index Journal with impact factor "[] []
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (12/2018) "Juniper Networks: An Overview of the Concept" in International Journal for Scientific Research and Developement (IJSRD)"[] [23210613]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (11/2018) "A Comprehensive Study of Security in Cloud Computing" in International Journal of Engineering & Technology"[] [2227-524X]
Dr. Deepak Chahal, (08/2018) "Using Internet of Things (IoT) for Real Time Solutions" in International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management "[] [23191953]