The International Conference on Information, Communication and Computing Technology (ICICCT-2016) will be held on May 14, 2016 (Saturday) at India International Centre (IIC), 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi - 110003, India, in collaboration with CSI.
Please click here to download the ICICCT Paper Template.
ICICCT-2016 invites submissions of abstracts, full length papers, short papers, survey papers, innovative applications and posters that address the themes and tracks of conference.
Papers are invited on following key areas:

The ICICCT-2016 conference themes, grouped in ten tracks, are the following (but are not limited to):
- Cloud infrastructure
- Cloud as a service
- Cloud management and operations
- Cloud security
- Performance, scalability and reliability
- Cloud applications
- Microsoft’s Azure Cloud.
- Cloud Communications and Networking
- Government in Cloud Computing
Track II: Communications & Network Systems
- Access Networks and Systems
- Biologically Inspired Communication and Networking
- Cognitive Radio and White-space Networking
- Communication of Visual Data
- Communications Services and Management
- Cooperative Communications
- Cross Layer Optimization
- Enterprise, Data Center and Storage Area Networks
- Future Internet Architecture and Protocols
- Green Networking and Smart Grid
- Humanitarian Communications Technology
- Internet of Things and Smart Cities
- Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications
- Mobility and Location Management
- Nano-Scale, Molecular and Quantum Networking
- Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
- Network Security and Privacy
- Sensor networks
- Broadband wireless access
- Multiple antenna techniques
- Cognitive radio and networks
- Optical Computing
- Fiber Optic Technology
Track III: Data Mining & Big Data Analytics
- Data mining
- Privacy and security issues in Big Data Analytics
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Data mining methods
- Mining databases
- Data and Software Security
- Algorithms
- Applications issues
- Knowledge discovery process
- Tools and languages
- Analytics as a Service
- Architectural Design for Big Data
- Big Data Governance
- Conceptual/cognitive/programming Models for Big data analytics
- Data Engineering and Distributed Data Mining
- Clustering of Big Data
- Data Fusion and Multi Modal Analytics
- Data Models for Big Data Analytics
- Domain-specific Analytics
- Index Structures for Big Data Analytics
- Interaction Design for Exploratory Analytics
- Machine Learning techniques for Big Data
- Large-scale recommendation systems and graph analysis
- Model Discovery from Big Data
- NoSQL and non-standard Data Models
- Physical Data Organization for Big Data
- Predictive Modeling
- Privacy Issues in Big Data Analytics
- Rule Mining from Big Data
- Scalability and Performance issues
- Security, privacy and legal issues specific to big data/ data mining
- Semantics and Big Data
- Streaming Data Analytics
- Summarization and Materialized views
- Unstructured and Semi-structured Data Mining
- Visual Analytics
Track IV: Data Science, Data Warehouse and DB engineering
- Data Science
- Visualization and Storage
- Data and Information Networks
- Data and Information Privacy and Security
- Data and Information Quality
- Data and Information Semantics
- Data and Information Streams
- Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems
- Metadata Management
- Mobile Data and Information
- Multi-databases and Database Federation
- Distributed Databases
- Pervasive Data and Information
- Data mart
- Data models
- Data structures
- Data warehousing process
- Online analytical process
- Practical issues
- Tools and languages
Track V: E-Learning & Multimedia
- E-Commerce
- E-Services
- Building E-Learning Architectures
- Electronic Publishing Tools for E-Learning
- Instructional Design for E-Learning
- Intelligent E-Learning Technology
- Interactive E-Learning Systems
- Knowledge Management in E-Learning
- Learning & Content Management Systems
- Management of Learning Resources
- Multimedia Technologies and Games
- Graphics and Virtual Worlds
- Virtual Reality
- Mobile Multimedia
- Video-on-Demand
- Human-Computer Interfaces
- Video Conference
- Virtual / Real Video Communication
- Multimedia coding and transmission
- Multimedia storage, retrieval, and authentication Digital Libraries
- Multimedia Authentication
- Video Indexing and Editing
- Image and Vision Computing
- Distributed Multimedia Systems
- Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation
Track VI: Emerging Computing Technologies
- Algorithmic Engineering
- Autonomic, Adaptive, Dependable Computing
- Cognitive Computing
- Computational Biology
- Parallel and Distributed Computer Graphics
- Green Computing
- Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms/Systems
- Energy-efficient Pervasive Computing
- Positioning and Tracking Technologies
- Participatory and Social Sensing
- Scalable Storage Systems
- Scientific Computing
- Multicore Computing GPU and Accelerator Computing
- Scheduling and Resource Management
- Parallel and Distributed Embedded and Control Systems
- Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
- Internet Computing
- Knowledge-intensive Software Engineering
- Large Data Set Computations
- Machine Learning and Cybernetics
- Nature Inspired Computing
- Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Web Algorithms and Systems
- Approximate and Stochastic Computing
- Cryptographic Tools for Secure Distributed Computing
- Security, Trust and Privacy
- Assistive Technologies
Track VII: Mobile Computing
- Mobile Advertising
- Mobile Sensing
- Mobile Cloud computing
- Energy Efficiency
- Mobile development Tools
- Location based Social Networks
- Mobile Development Lifecycle
- Mobile Computing and Media Informatics
- Mobile Medical Applications
- Context-aware Mobile Recommender Systems
Track VIII: Software Engineering
- Agile software development
- Component-based software engineering
- Education of software engineering
- Empirical software engineering
- End-user software engineering
- Mining software engineering repositories
- Model-driven engineering
- Refactoring
- Requirement engineering
- Reverse engineering
- Security, privacy and trust
- Software architecture
- Software metrics
- Software testing
- Validation and verification
Track IX: Security Information Systems
- Security Frameworks, Architectures and Protocols
- Cryptographic Algorithms
- Information Hiding and Anonymity
- Vulnerability Analysis and Countermeasures
- Database Security
- Content Protection and Digital Rights Management
- Software Security Assurance
- Security Architecture and Design Analysis
- Security Testing
- Risk and Reputation Management
- Phishing
- Security and Trust in Pervasive Information Systems
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Security Professionalism and Practice
- Trust in Social Networks
- Identity and Trust Management
- Intrusion Detection and Response
- Smartcard Technology
- Privacy-Enhancing Models and Technologies
- Privacy In Cloud and Pervasive Computing
- Authentication, Privacy and Security Models
- Social Media Privacy
- Privacy Metrics and Control
- Malware Detection
- Vehicular Systems and Networks
- Threat Awareness
- Identification and Access Control
- Mobile Systems Security
- Biometric Technologies and Applications
- Security Awareness and Education
- Data and Software Security
Track X: Wireless Networking
- Wireless Sensors
- Semantic Senor Network
- Routing Techniques
- Signal Processing
- Data Collection in Wireless Senor Network
- Processing in Wireless Senor Network
Last Date of Submission |
30/03/2016 |
Notification for Acceptance of Paper |
Within 30 days of Submission |
Conference Dates |
May 14, 2016 |
Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts, full length papers, short papers, survey papers, innovative applications and posters that address the themes and tracks of conference.
Two Best Paper Awards with Cash Prizes of Rs. 10000/- and Rs. 5000/- respectively.
Only papers submitted through E-mail and strictly adhering to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication. E-mail the formatted paper at email id: [email protected] or [email protected].
Accepted papers will be printed in the conference proceedings and issued to all attendees at the conference.
Equipment that will be provided by the conference and setup in all presentation rooms:
- Laptop
- LCD projector
- White board
- Microphone and sound system
- Please, note that all electronic files should be written on USB flash drive.
- If you wish to be a session chair, please email your request to [email protected] or [email protected] and indicate the topic area in which you are interested. Registration for the conference is required to be a session chair.
If you encounter any problems during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact the Conference Secretariat:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
By submitting the paper to ICICCT-2016 conference, all authors agree to abide by all ICICCT-2016 conference paper submission, publication and presentation policies. Namely, authors confirm that the work is original, has not appeared in literature in any form in the past and will not be submitted to any other venue concurrently with ICICCT-2016 submission or until it appears in ICICCT-2016 proceedings (in the case of acceptance). Furthermore, upon paper acceptance, authors agree to transfer copyright of the accepted paper to ICICCT-2016, and one of the authors will be required to register the paper and present the paper at the event. The conference has no responsibility for any intentional or accidental misuse, misinterpretation, or failure to follow above rules and conditions and holds no legal, civil or other responsibility for opinions, content or utilization of any methods/algorithms expressed in the ICICCT-2016 Conference Proceedings.
India International Centre (IIC),
40, Max Mueller Marg,
New Delhi - 110003, India.