

Guidelines to Author(s)

JIMS8i- International Journal of Information, Communication and Computing Technology (IJICCT)

The JIMS 8i- International Journal of Information Communication and Computing Technology (IJICCT) is published twice a year and intended to bring together important information on topics of general interest to IT spanning the subjects listed under topics covered

Manuscripts in accordance with the subject matter are accepted for consideration in JIMS8i- IJICCT with the understanding that they represent original material, have not been published previously and not being considered for publication elsewhere.

The author(s) of the manuscript is fully responsible for the contents of the manuscript submitted.

Copyright of all the accepted papers are belonging to JIMS8i-IJICCT and author(s) must affirm that accepted manuscripts for publication must not be re-published elsewhere without the consent of the editor.

While preparing manuscript, author must follow the under-mentioned word format.
  • A cover page showing title of the paper, author(s) name and affiliation, full address, telephone numbers and email address.
  • The manuscript must begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of key words
  • The Top Margin should be 1”, Bottom 1”, Left 0.6”, and Right 0.6”. Page layout should be portrait with 0.5 Header and Footer margins.
  • The title should appear in single column at the first page in 14 Font size, below which the name of the author(s), in bold, with affiliation and E-mail ID should be provided centrally aligned in 12 font size.
  • The text should be properly divided under headings and sub headings, the paper should not exceed 6000 words (8 A-4 pages) and should be in clear and concise English
  • It should be typed in 10-point Times New Roman Font on one side with double column, single line spacing.
  • Images, charts, graphs, tables, codes, etc. used in the manuscript should be labeled below and should be originally self drawn in black and white only without any color text and background color shading.
  • All tables, charts, graphs, equations and images must be cited accordingly and numbered properly.
  • References must be placed at the end of the manuscript in IEEE format as provided in the template and their number must also be mentioned in the body of the manuscript, wherever they have been referred to.

All communications related to the Journal: JIMS8i-IJICCT should be sent to the following address:-

Dr. Deepti Sharma,
Professor, Department of Information Technology, JIMS Sector - 5, Rohini
Dr. Archana B. Saxena,
Professor, Department of Information Technology, JIMS Sector - 5, Rohini
Mail: [email protected]